Join our Mission


Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship here at Hillside Community Church.  2 Corinthians 9:7 calls on us to be cheerful givers and Proverbs 3:9 calls on us to give God our firstfruits. We call our congregation to give, not by meeting some obligatory percentage, but gladly sacrificing for the sake of the gospel because Jesus sacrificed for us, and all we have is His.

You can give to Hillside Community Church in the following ways:

Cash and/or cheques:
Fill out an offering envelope, available at the information rack in the foyer, seal the envelope with your donation, and drop it into the offering bag on Sunday, or at the office during office hours.

Automatic Withdrawal:
Set up, change, or cancel a recurring monthly donation by filling out the Automatic Bank Withdrawal Authorization Form and drop it into the offering box on Sunday, or at the office during office hours.

Send an Interac® e-Transfer to [email protected]. These will be auto deposited.

Credit-Cards / Online giving:
Credit Card giving can be done via Church Centre (Stripe) or Paypal. See below.

Designated Funds

Hillside accepts funds towards the accomplishment of our mission as a church. We will use funds donated toward specific initiatives for their designated purposes. As a donor, you agree that the board of Hillside may use designated gifts for other programs once we’ve met the goal(s) of an initiative, or are unable to realize these goal(s) due to circumstances beyond our control.