Join us as we pray for our city for the month of September. Download and follow along with the prayer guide below.
Prayer Request
Have a need or something you’re thankful for? Let us know! We will send out these requests out to those who have signed up to pray.
Online Prayer Meetings
Online Prayer Meetings
Our prayer times are pretty simple. We often listen to a song, read a Psalm, and then those who wish to can pray. Sometimes we have specific themes we pray for, but mostly we pray “kingdom prayers” for our church, our community and our world. We take privacy seriously, so if we do pray for individuals, we are careful to keep confidences. Zoom, the online platform we use, also has a strong privacy policy.
We meet every morning, Monday through Friday from 8 – 8:30 AM as well as Wednesday from 6:30-7 AM. You are welcome to join any of these.
One Day Prayer Guide
Prayer Guide: One Day
This is a guide to take you through a single day of prayer: whether on a personal retreat, on your day off, or to use throughout the ebb and flow of a normal work day, we hope this will help you to pay attention to God.
10-day Guide for Prayer and Fasting
Prayer Guide: Ten Day
This is a guide to take you through 10 days of Prayer and Fasting. We have used this corporately during the period between Ascension and Pentecost. This guide will help you provide some structure to a 10-day period of seeking God.